[3dem] Better Structures Faster with Cryo-EM and AI

tuan at hti.ai tuan at hti.ai
Wed May 8 11:20:41 PDT 2024

Do you have a conundrum that knowing a structure might solve? HTI helps
accelerate structure-based drug design/discovery (SBDD) with Cryo-EM
structure determination services and AI-based software. Cryo-EM is a
powerful technology for determining high-resolution 3-D structures of
biological macromolecules and bound compounds. It applies broadly across the
SBDD landscape, from complex proteins and small-molecule-based drugs, to
mRNA, lipid nanoparticles, and vaccines. Our scientists and image processing
experts work with your samples and experts to determine the structural
conformations of your targets and leads.

HTI provides access to protein production, cryo-EM resources and expertise
in a fast, affordable, and scalable way. We are also developing AI based
software to automate and improve the image acquisition pipeline. By
employing our solutions with your science expertise our goal is to improve
your time to market for new drugs. More info at Services - Health Technology
Innovations, Inc. (hti.ai) <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hti.ai/services/__;!!Mih3wA!GaulOB-1elPI4e5eUFuhFbUcvf4vCW8MEwC-1GWhjzhVqO4jb3qEyOM2LS4gOfRTccXwp2ptB4Wowg$ > 

If you already have your own Cryo-EM resources, our proprietary software
CryoFASTT utilizes artificial intelligence to automate and accelerate your
workflow. Early access to CryoFASTT is now available CryoFast
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hti.ai/cryofast/__;!!Mih3wA!GaulOB-1elPI4e5eUFuhFbUcvf4vCW8MEwC-1GWhjzhVqO4jb3qEyOM2LS4gOfRTccXwp2rseoAUgw$ > T - Fast Acquisition for Single Particle &
Tomography - Health Technology Innovations, Inc. (hti.ai). 

It would be great to show you how we can add value to your SBDD efforts.

For inquiry, pls contact info at hti.ai <mailto:info at hti.ai> 



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