[3dem] Vibration and sound monitoring and identification platform for 3DEM labs

Felicia Doggett f.doggett at metro-acoustics.com
Wed May 8 11:05:41 PDT 2024

Due to requests from many of our EM clients, we have developed a hardware and software platform called SenSV for monitoring and detection of problem frequencies of vibration and sound.  A prevalent obstacle in research facilities is vibration and sound that is undetectable by humans, but greatly impacts clarity of imaging.  Corrupted data can negate entire experiments.  SenSV's web-enabled solution monitors laboratory environments for vibration and sound providing real-time insights into key factors that impact research outcomes and reproducibility.  With customizable thresholds, alert and reporting functionality, and remote access via any web browser, SenSV empowers scientists to identify critical issues, minimize downtime, and achieve higher quality and productivity.

SenSV monitors vibration in the range of 1-100 Hz and sound from 100-20,000 Hz, covering a comprehensive spectrum for EM labs. Vibration levels can be measured down to VC-F (Vibration Criteria) in 1/3 octave bands.  Accelerometers and microphones are placed within the lab, while internet connectivity allows users to access live and daily data from any browser.  Data is securely stored for 12 months, easily accessible via the intuitive dashboard's reporting functionality.

Please see our website here https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://sensv.tech/__;!!Mih3wA!DMH7Mq2JeGSqpg7VplMnIohZ8BoLoE-jNQNiHUiAYJc1ce8kpRbIck7CHNZHbLQiZG4tGfOgLXgZC-X_w9TEAuvHqemg$  for more information.  We are eager to obtain more early adopters of our platform.  Please email me at f.doggett at metro-acoustics.com<mailto:f.doggett at metro-acoustics.com> for more information.
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