[3dem] liquid phase EM

Egelman, Edward Herschel (ehe2n) egelman at virginia.edu
Mon Jul 22 07:11:17 PDT 2024

This Commentary I wrote has now appeared online at Protein Science. Many people in the cryo-EM community may be unaware that there is actually an “alternate” community of people interested in doing room temperature EM of biological samples in the liquid phase. My attached Commentary is a rebuttal of the Jonaid et al. paper that has now been positively cited in a number of other papers and reviews. The senior author of the Jonaid et al. paper was the Chair of the Liquid Phase EM GRC in 2022 and an invited speaker at their 2024 meeting.

Edward Egelman
Harrison Distinguished Professor,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics
University of Virginia
phone: 434-924-8210
fax: 434-924-5069
egelman at virginia.edu<mailto:egelman at virginia.edu>

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