[3dem] ! SAVE the DATE ! CRYO EM 1-day symposium in Heidelberg - Germany

Andreia Pinto andreia.lucia.pinto at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 01:58:01 PDT 2024

[image: banner preliminary.png]

We at Leica Microsystems are thrilled to announce a one-day symposium on the

*New Era of Cryo Correlative Electron Microscopy Workflows!*

[image: :date:] Date: 16 October 2024
 [image: :alarm_clock:] Time: Starting at 8:30 AM
 [image: :round_pushpin:] Location: EMBL Imaging Center, Heidelberg
 [image: :heavy_dollar_sign:] Entry: Free (Registration is mandatory, link
will follow)
Join us for an insightful day featuring keynote speakers from the renowned
Mahamid and Mattei groups of EMBL, along with a distinguished external
To manifest your interest and stay updated, please email me directy. We
will keep you posted with all the necessary details, including the
registration link.
Please note, this is a self-funded travel event.
Don't miss this opportunity to dive into the cutting-edge advancements in
Cryo correlative workflows and CLEM!
Looking forward to your participation!!

Dr. Andreia Lucia Pinto
Electron Microscopist | Advanced Workflow Specialist @ Leica Microsystems
Honorary Research Associate of the Imperial College London
+49 (0) 1743132456    LinkedIn: Andreia Lucia do Nascimento Pinto
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