[3dem] AstraZeneca-Crick Alliance postdoc position

Acton, Oliver oliver.acton at astrazeneca.com
Thu Feb 8 09:35:02 PST 2024

Dear all,

We have an open position for a postdoc to work on establishing time-resolved cryo-EM to study the mechanism of DNA helicases with therapeutic potential. The position is a part of the AZ-Crick Alliance and will be jointly supervised between the Enchev lab at the Francis Crick Institute and the Structural Biology team at AstraZeneca UK.

AstraZeneca and the Francis Crick Institute have established a productive research collaboration, supporting discovery biology research and early translational projects since December 2016. This has brought together the combined knowledge and capability of Crick and AZ scientists to work on areas of technology development, mechanistic understanding and novel target validation.

For a full job description and details on how to apply, please follow this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.crick.ac.uk/careers-study/vacancies/2024-02-07-senior-laboratory-research-scientist-structural-biochemist__;!!Mih3wA!DtB90KtzLTLt8OcQZtvTBTjEv2965ZvC783jQsBZ5NROlbYiC3BRZr-RRTzZGtGKzyrObpWrQZ9VnHHCf4J0aIsPdKBH$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.crick.ac.uk/careers-study/vacancies/2024-02-07-senior-laboratory-research-scientist-structural-biochemist__;!!Mih3wA!DtB90KtzLTLt8OcQZtvTBTjEv2965ZvC783jQsBZ5NROlbYiC3BRZr-RRTzZGtGKzyrObpWrQZ9VnHHCf4J0aIsPdKBH$ >

Application deadline: 6th March
Please feel free to contact either Radoslav Enchev (Radoslav.enchev at crick.ac.uk<mailto:Radoslav.enchev at crick.ac.uk>), Taiana Maia de Oliveira (taiana.maiadeoliveira at astrazeneca.com<mailto:taiana.maiadeoliveira at astrazeneca.com>) or myself (oliver.acton at astrazeneca.com<mailto:oliver.acton at astrazeneca.com>) if you have any further questions about the role.

Best wishes,


Oliver Acton, Ph.D.
Associate Principal Scientist – Cryo Electron Microscopy
Mechanistic and Structural Biology

AstraZeneca R&D, Discovery Sciences
The Discovery Centre
1 Francis Crick Avenue
Cambridge, CB2 0AA, UK
oliver.acton at astrazeneca.com<mailto:oliver.acton at astrazeneca.com>


AstraZeneca UK Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales with registered number:03674842 and its registered office at 1 Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus, Cambridge, CB2 0AA.

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