[3dem] Cryo-EM acces for Covid-19 projects at CBI / IGBMC, Strasbourg

Bruno KLAHOLZ klaholz at igbmc.fr
Tue Mar 24 07:52:53 PDT 2020

Dear all,

this is to announce that we are opening our cryo-EM facilities for Covid-19 projects at the Centre for Integrative Biology, Illkirch/Strasbourg, France, which hosts the French and European Infrastructures for Integrated Structural Biology, FRISBI, Instruct-ERIC and iNext-Discovery.

This can include for example work on Covid-19 related enzyme targets, genome-free capsid, membrane receptor complexes, antibody complexes etc. (i.e. non-infectious samples).
Cryo-EM samples (on grids) should be sent in with dewars as no on-site visits by users are possible. We also offer freezing and screening of grids for purified samples.
To apply please see below.

With best regards,

Bruno Klaholz

Cryo-EM facilities:
The Centre for Integrative Biology (CBI) at IGBMC, Illkirch/Strasbourg, France, provides a cutting-edge scientific and technological environment in integrated structural biology to address the structure and function of biological systems, notably on gene expression, from the atomic, molecular to the tissue scales. The CBI http://www.igbmc.fr/grandesstructures/cbi/, hosts the French and European Infrastructures for Integrated Structural Biology, FRISBI http://frisbi.eu/, Instruct-ERIC https://www.structuralbiology.eu/ and iNext-Discovery https://instruct-eric.eu/news/eu-inext-discovery-grant-provides-technologies-for-key-research-in-structural-biology/, which comprises advanced electron microscopy facilities equipped with cutting-edge instrumentation, see http://frisbi.eu/centers/instruct-center-france-1-igbmc/cryo-electron-microscopy/. Nodes of FRISBI and Instruct-ERIC also provide access for sample production, characterisation and structural analysis, and for nanobody production.

For Covid-19 projects we specifically provide acces to our Titan Krios microscope, which is equipped with Cs corrector, Falcon 3 camera, GIF energy filter, K3 camera and phase plate.
For purified samples (not yet on cryo-EM grids) we offer freezing (Vitrobot system) and screening of grids.
The non-infectious character of the samples needs to be confirmed by the director of the applying institute.
Please include a short description of the project and the characterisation of the sample (biophysically characterisation and images / class averages of cryo-EM tests if available). Applications will be handled confidentially as for any applications.

The EM facility has a suite of associated equipments for sample preparation and dedicated computing resources for image processing and 3D reconstruction by single particle cryo-EM and cryo electron tomography (cryo-ET) and software developements including on-the-fly data processing.

Project applications should be sent via the FRISBI portal https://frisbi.eu/submit-a-proposal/ (contact pmarie at igbmc.fr<mailto:pmarie at igbmc.fr> ) or Instruct-ERIC (click here<http://email.mail.aria.services/c/eJw1jbEOgjAURb8GNgnY0sLQQRMYnExQI2zP1yKtBUlpE_17u5ic4eQkN1eK6sEh1QI-pOuNCeZefC_1tTkjniaAdVCPEU1_7OY8cGPosDYJzfWyeRfQM3RFOglZj5yqvAJWKqCVik6oLEnNOKOMkdSKyft1S8gh2beR_36nnMZMhZi8A3wpF22A29by1Am0EKQGq5Z4-ZxB2wzf8w9shDpc>) or via iNext-Discovery: https://inext-discovery.eu/network/inext-d/home (specific Covid-19 call to come out shortly). Please contact pmarie at igbmc.fr<mailto:pmarie at igbmc.fr> or klaholz at igbmc.fr<mailto:klaholz at igbmc.fr> if you have any questions.

Bruno P. Klaholz
Centre for Integrative Biology
Department of Integrated Structural Biology
Institute of Genetics and of Molecular and Cellular Biology
IGBMC - UMR 7104 - U 1258
1, rue Laurent Fries
BP 10142
Tel. from abroad: 0033.369.48.52.78
Tel. inside France:

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