[3dem] Opening for a Cryo-FIB/Cryo-ET Scientist at LBMS, BNL

Liguo Wang wanguw11 at gmail.com
Tue May 21 12:54:56 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

To expand LBMS’s cryo-ET capabilities, we are establishing a 
cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) platform to prepare thin lamellae of 
cells/tissues. In combination with cryo-ET, biological interactions in 
cellular environment and the organization/morphology of living cells can 
be visualized.

The LBMS is seeking an experienced scientist to join our team and 
support our efforts in expanding cryo-ET capabilities. The successful 
candidate will have a strong background in biology, biochemistry, and 
experience with cryo-ET techniques.


*_Essential Duties and Responsibilities:_*

  * Use cryo-focused ion beam (cryo-FIB) to prepare thin lamellae for
  * Use cryo-ultramicrotome to prepare thin sections of tissues for cryo-ET.
  * Use high-pressure freezer to prepare thick samples.
  * Collect cryo-ET data and perform data analysis.
  * Support the operation of LBMS.

Brookhaven Laboratory is committed to providing fair, equitable and 
competitive compensation. This is a multi-level role and the full salary 
range for this position is $101,200 - $184,000 / year. You will be 
placed at the level and salary commensurate with your experience.Salary 
offers will be commensurate with the final candidate’s qualification, 
education and experience and considered with the internal peer group.


*Please follow the link for the job application*: 
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://jobs.bnl.gov/job/upton/cryo-fib-scientist/3437/65452375712__;!!Mih3wA!GBEce7M2dTJzbH3hQ_NMd9bS03FakHR3YXzhqiJHe0b7pYNO-7TVSXCcs7G2vBs0nbd4ZB41uKPxEJx-Rm0$ >

Best regards,

Liguo Wang

Laboratory for BioMolecular Structure (LBMS)

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)

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