[3dem] Facility position at DCI-Geneva

Andrew Howe Andrew.Howe at unige.ch
Wed Jul 24 01:48:37 PDT 2024

Dear 3DEM list,

A reminder of our open position at DCI-Geneva:

The Dubochet Centre for Imaging in Geneva (DCI-Geneva) are recruiting a cryoEM specialist to join our team.

The Role:
The DCI-Geneva cryoEM platform (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cryoem.unige.ch/__;!!Mih3wA!HtSmtV1RIY5rcJaE80-Yl6-N1EFKN_J-ow7kpwvov4k6hTCAeJyIRuy_Ro_hRhmTSANAxY9V6f3UUU28GwXTTf7T7g$ ) at the University of Geneva is seeking a passionate microscopist with expertise in cryoEM analysis and microscope operation. The successful candidate will be part of a team supporting daily operations at DCI-Geneva. This will involve advising and assisting users in the full 'sample-to-structure' pipeline, including sample preparation for negative stain and cryo experiments, screening and data collection on TFS microscopes and data processing to high resolution. The candidate will also assist with maintaining sample preparation facilities and microscopes, including managing stocks of reagents, and troubleshooting common instrument faults.

Candidate profile:
Applicants should hold a PhD or have suitable equivalent experience in electron microscopy of biological samples. The ideal candidate will have experience in optimising conditions for the preparation of EM grids with biological specimens.  Of significant benefit would be experience in troubleshooting the preparation of tricky samples. They should be confident in operating an electron microscope (120 keV - 300 keV TFS instruments) to screen and collect cryoEM data. Experience in SPA processing is essential, particularly in cases of difficult to solve structures.  Furthermore, experience in setting up and maintaining Linux GPU workstations for cryoEM data processing would be highly valued.

The environment:
The DCI is a joint initiative of the University of Geneva (UNIGE), the University of Lausanne (UNIL), the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Bern (UNIBE).
DCI-Geneva boasts a Talos Arctica 200keV TEM complete with Falcon 4i detector and Selectris X imaging filter. Other instruments at the facility include Talos L120C TEM, Tecnai Sphera G2 TEM equipped for microED, and Leica Thunder cryo-fluorescence microscopes, alongside an extensive range of preparation instruments. There is additionally regular access to Titan Krios microscopes at other DCI sites.

Situated between the Alps and the Jura mountains, on the shores of beautiful Lac Léman, Geneva is consistently regarded as one of the world's most liveable cities.

This position is available for a period of 2 years and the posting will remain open until filled.
To apply, please send your CV along with contact details of at least 2 referees and a brief letter of motivation to Andrew.howe at unige.ch<mailto:Andrew.howe at unige.ch>. Please get in touch for further details or any questions regarding the role.

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