[3dem] Reminder: BMC Methods – Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography of biological molecules

Slavica Jonic slavica.jonic at sorbonne-universite.fr
Fri Jul 5 00:25:00 PDT 2024

Hi All,

This is just a reminder about a special issue on Cryo-EM and Cryo-ET in BMC
Methods (Springer Nature) that is offering a* free-of-charge publication
for ma**nuscripts accepted for publication before December 1st, 2024*.

*The submission deadline is January 22nd, 2025, but we** will be able to
extend this SI for 3-6 months*. Let me know if you are interested in
submitting your manuscript to this SI.

Have a great summer.


On Wed, Apr 24, 2024 at 12:00 AM Slavica Jonic <
slavica.jonic at sorbonne-universite.fr> wrote:

> Dear Colleagues,
> I am writing to let you know that *BMC Methods*
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bmcmethods.biomedcentral.com/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=generic&utm_content=null&utm_term=null&utm_campaign=MLSR_44330_DEC1_GL_PHSS_COLLE_CMA-CEMT__;!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtuCd0DI2g$ > is
> currently welcoming submissions of original research to the “Cryo-electron
> microscopy and tomography of biological molecules
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.biomedcentral.com/collections/cemt?utm_medium=email&utm_source=generic&utm_content=null&utm_term=null&utm_campaign=MLSR_44330_DEC1_GL_PHSS_COLLE_CMA-CEMT__;!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtutaI7HR0$ >”
> Collection. As Guest Editor for the Collection, I hope you will consider
> this as an outlet for a future research paper.
> If you are interested in preparing a manuscript for consideration at *BMC
> Methods* as part of this Collection, please let me know and I would be
> happy to provide further detail. Submissions will be welcomed at any point
> up until the end of *22 January 2025*, but if you are unable to submit a
> manuscript before this date, please let me know as we may be able to be
> flexible.
> For the manuscripts accepted for publication before December 1, 2024, *APC
> fees will be waived by Springer Nature*.
> To *submit your manuscript*
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://submission.nature.com/new-submission/44330/3?_gl=1*1b8qmli*_ga*MTIyMDk2NjM0Mi4xNjkyMzcyMDI4*_ga_B3E4QL2TPR*MTcwMTM1OTQ3Mi4yMjQuMS4xNzAxMzY1OTQ5LjAuMC4w*utm_medium=email&utm_source=generic&utm_content=null&utm_term=null&utm_campaign=MLSR_44330_DEC1_GL_PHSS_COLLE_CMA-cemt__;KioqKio_!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtuvlMMKnU$ >
> for consideration at *BMC* *Methods* as part of this Collection, please
> follow the steps detailed on this page
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://bmcmethods.biomedcentral.com/submission-guidelines?utm_medium=email&utm_source=generic&utm_content=null&utm_term=null&utm_campaign=MLSR_44330_DEC1_GL_PHSS_COLLE_CMA-cemt__;!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtu7B_5Se4$ >.
> When submitting your manuscript, you will be asked whether you are
> submitting your manuscript to a Collection. Please ensure that you select
> "Cryo-electron microscopy and tomography of biological molecules" from the
> drop down list. Authors should express their interest in the Collection in
> their cover letter.
> Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
> ·        Cryo-EM techniques and methodologies
> ·        Cryo-specimen preparation and imaging protocols
> ·        Cryo-EM/ET sample heterogeneity
> ·        Cryo-ET reconstruction and missing wedge correction algorithms
> ·        Continuous conformational variability of biomolecules in cryo-EM
> and cryo-ET data
> ·        Artificial Intelligence for cryo-EM and cryo-ET data processing
> ·        Software development for cryo-EM and cryo-ET
> ·        Visualization of subcellular structures and macromolecular
> complexes
> ·        Applications of cryo-EM and cryo-ET in studying cellular
> processes
> ·        Integration of cryo-EM and cryo-ET with other structural and
> imaging techniques
> ·        Advances in cryo-FIB-ET for in situ structural biology
> ·        Insights into cellular ultrastructure and dynamics
> ·        Cryo-EM and cryo-ET studies of viral replication, infection
> mechanisms, and host-pathogen interactions
> ·        Cryo-EM and cryo-ET applications in drug discovery and
> development
> Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
> Kind regards,
> Slavica Jonic
> --
> Slavica JONIC
> Research Director, CNRS
> Sorbonne Université
> CC 115
> 4 Place Jussieu
> 75005 Paris, France
> Tel: +33 1 44 27 72 05
> Fax: +33 1 44 27 37 85
> E-mail: slavica.jonic at sorbonne-universite.fr
> URL: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.impmc.upmc.fr/*jonic__;fg!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtuLJq5Wlc$ 
> ORCID:* 0000-0001-5112-2743 <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5112-2743__;!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtu5L51Q14$ >*
> Twitter: @slavica_jonic <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/@slavica_jonic__;!!Mih3wA!BH0b1q7B0ugEI24bZg6GSJbAMFr1pfZAlNvBiGlnSrjsCsJjSSvf_QIxfOLIkNRe2N9Y6BnqPA8DvCp3r4cVhBu40gqIRFtuVOsLyfs$ >
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