[3dem] internal nanogold beads

Michiel de Hoon michiel.dehoon at riken.jp
Fri Jul 5 01:36:59 PDT 2024

Dear all,

We have generated samples for room-temperature EMT in which specific 
molecules were labeled with nanogold beads. We have maybe a few 100 
beads in each image, and it is easy to track them by eye between the images.

We don't have fiducials on the surface of the sample.

Instead, can the embedded nanogold beads be used as fiducials?

If so, can Etomo be used for the alignment? It seems to allow for 
fiducials on the surface of the sample only.

Also, I assume we should erase the gold from the images before tomogram 
reconstruction. But is there a way to save the positions of the detected 
gold beads before erasing them?

Thank you,


Michiel de Hoon (ミヒル デホーン)
Team Leader - Laboratory for Applied Computational Genomics (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://acgt.riken.jp__;!!Mih3wA!FJsfW8AwtkuveTwEni7Z8oUZhqIf52W31zB55MQdwKRxvnVWIhecRuobkzCLSYGUoyiJdc1nZHfJUytTtEi-sXPGHAFWhQ$ )
RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences
1-7-22 Suehiro-cho
Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama, 230-0045 JAPAN

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