[3dem] 2025 3DEM GRC speaker suggestions

Julia Mahamid julia.mahamid at embl.de
Sun Jul 21 22:54:39 PDT 2024

Dear 3DEM enthusiast,

The 2025 3DEM Gordon Research Conference (GRC) and associated GRS will take place from June 14 - 20, 2025 at Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River in the US.
The meeting highlights the latest technical developments and the associated scientific results in our field. At this early point, it would be great to get your suggestions for speakers at this conference. Self-nominations are very welcome. Suggestions for speakers from diverse backgrounds are very much appreciated.
If you have a technically innovative, unpublished story that you think the cryo-EM/3DEM community would be interested in and that you would like to present at the 2025 GRC meeting, please email me directly (julia.mahamid at gmail.com <mailto:julia.mahamid at gmail.com>) and do not reply to this list. 
I look forward to your suggestion, Julia
Julia Mahamid
Structural and Computational Biology Unit
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Phone: +49 (0)6221 387 8451
julia.mahamid at embl.de

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