[3dem] Gatan K3 camera for sell

Zongli Li zongli.li at gmail.com
Thu Jul 18 12:07:42 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

We have a Gatan K3 camera for sell, see details below:

For sale: Gatan K3 detector with BioQuantum energy filter (i.e., a Gatan
"Bioquantum Imaging Filter").

Age and use: 6 years of yielding excellent data on a Titan Krios.

Condition: excellent

Reason for sale: replaced by upgrade to Falcon IV.

Status: packed by Gatan engineer in Gatan-provided crates, and therefore
eligible for Gatan support.

Price: $200,000 or best offer (plus moving costs).

Contact: Zongli Li (zongli_li at hms.harvard.edu) or Richard Walsh (
richard_walsh at hms.harvard.edu)

Best regards,

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