[3dem] Assistant Professor position at Stony Brook University

Stuti Sharma stuti.sharma at stonybrook.edu
Mon Aug 5 12:14:23 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

The Biochemistry and Cell Biology department at Stony Brook University (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.stonybrook.edu/commcms/biochem/__;!!Mih3wA!Derlw2p-Jg35-ZNwtF0JBpWi3sIE_adklqeQ2DClJJrMhUkqO1itxLq-VuW1mbFGZO21CuFnoU7mEFRxnikevad_hMgxIXI$ ) has two open tenure-track
positions at the level of Assistant Professor, with particular emphasis on
structural biology using cryo-EM. Our in-house cryo-EM facility has a Talos
Arctica equipped with a brand new Falcon 4i detector. We also have access
to a Titan Krios at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is in
close proximity to Stony Brook University.

For application details, please follow the link below:

Best wishes,

Stuti Sharma, PhD.
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Center for Structural Biology
Stony Brook University
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