[3dem] New cryoEM papers (#cryoem_papers)

Alex Noble anoble at nysbc.org
Mon Aug 5 12:50:14 PDT 2024

Hi cool people,

Below is this past week's installment of new cryoEM papers and related software - it was a slow week!

Automated fiducial-based alignment of cryo-electron tomography tilt series in Dynamo
Segment Anything Model 2 (SAM 2)

Since it's a slow week, how about a discussion on cryoEM papers: Peer-review is a process that helps keep guard-rails on papers (which is good) but it also significantly slows down research compared to the computer science field, for example, which primarily uses preprints to rapidly increment progress. In contrast, it's common in my experience as an author and peer-reviewer for editors and reviewers to stymie progress in our field's development due to minor misunderstandings; e.g. a paper being rejected because a reviewer wrongly claims that a method is not novel and the editor accepting that claim.

To avoid many of these unnecessary issues, I decided late last year to only peer-review a paper if the editor allows for open discussion between myself and the authors by email (with the editor cc'ed). Have others used this method as well, or have another solution to this problem? Is this a problem?

Best wishes,
Alex Noble

From: Alex Noble <anoble at nysbc.org<mailto:anoble at nysbc.org>>
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2024 9:39 AM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu> <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: Re: New cryoEM papers (#cryoem_papers)

Hi cool people,

Below is this past week's installment of new cryoEM papers. There are many short M&M papers - they're not listed here for space reasons; the first link has a full list.

M&M papers:
Preparation of oxygen-sensitive proteins for high-resolution cryoEM structure determination using (an)aerobic blot-free vitrification
Amortized template-matching of molecular conformations from cryo-electron microscopy images using simulation-based inference
Cryo-EM Screening of Apoferritin at 100 kV Using Hitachi’s HT7800 Thermionic Transmission Electron Microscope
All atom molecular dynamics simulations enable ensemble refinement of flexible and mismodelled cryo-EM derived RNA structures
Likelihood-based interactive local docking into cryo-EM maps in ChimeraX

Alex Noble

From: Alex Noble <anoble at nysbc.org<mailto:anoble at nysbc.org>>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2024 12:18 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu> <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: Re: New cryoEM papers (#cryoem_papers)

Hi cool people,

Here is this past week's installment of new cryoEM papers (which will now also include new software):

MarkerDetector: A method for robust fiducial marker detection in electron micrographs using wavelet-based template
CryoEM Workflow Acceleration with Feret Signatures
St Jude's EMHub software for facility organization
CryoSamba: self-supervised deep volumetric denoising for cryo-electron tomography data
Denoising, Deblurring, and optical Deconvolution for cryo-ET and light microscopy with a physics-informed deep neural network DeBCR
Vesicle Picker: A tool for efficient identification of membrane protein complexes in vesicles
Computational models of amorphous ice for accurate simulation of cryo-EM images of biological samples
CryoDRGN-ET: deep reconstructing generative networks for visualizing dynamic biomolecules inside cells
Exploring Cellular Processes by Modeling Ligands in Cryo-EM Maps
AQuaRef: Machine learning accelerated quantum refinement of protein structures
The myth of high-resolution liquid phase biological electron microscopy

Best wishes,
Alex Noble

From: Alex Noble
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2024 2:39 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu> <3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu<mailto:3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu>>
Subject: New cryoEM papers (#cryoem_papers)

Hi cool people,

I've been finding new cryoEM papers that are interesting to me (methods/new tech, machine learning, cryoFIB/SEM-ET, etc.; typically no biology-focused papers) for our internal Slack channel for years and decided to share them with the community as well. Many papers fall through the cracks, so I think it would be good to have the whole cryoEM community on the same page. Hopefully it will make the community more productive and speed up the pace of developments.=)

There used to be a twitter bot that (@cryoem_papers<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://x.com/cryoem_papers__;!!Mih3wA!FXR0-Za_wfrjsfWpjO7B7xZQ3RlepDRqyoTe38Vrw1mI9lkCzj1NF3gOthvPZHDujU9qh30qQilJS8X8ig$ >) that did this work. I'll add #cryoem_papers to this recurrent email so it's easy for you to filter them as you wish.

I'll aim to post new papers every Monday. Here's the first batch covering the past 2 weeks:

CryoViT: Efficient Segmentation of Cryogenic Electron Tomograms with Vision Foundation Models
Accurate size-based protein localization from cryo-ET tomograms
Accurate Prediction of Protein Structural Flexibility by Deep Learning Integrating Intricate Atomic Structures and Cryo-EM Density Information
OPUS-TOMO: Deep Learning Framework for Structural Heterogeneity Analysis in Cryo-electron Tomography
Frontiers in integrative structural biology: modeling disordered proteins and utilizing in situ data
Direct Measurement of the Critical Cooling Rate for the Vitrification of Water
DiffFit: Visually-Guided Differentiable Fitting of Molecule Structures to a Cryo-EM Map
Einstein from Noise: Statistical Analysis
Advances in cryo-ET data processing: meeting the demands of visual proteomics
Expanding insights from in situ cryo-EM
High-resolution real-space reconstruction of cryo-EM structures using a neural field network
Nanobody-assisted cryoEM structural determination for challenging proteins
De novo atomic protein structure modeling for cryoEM density maps using 3D transformer and HMM
Training-free CryoET Tomogram Segmentation
Improving Ab-Initio Cryo-EM Reconstruction with Semi-Amortized Pose Inference
CryoJAM: Automating Protein Homolog Fitting in Medium Resolution Cryo-EM Density Maps
Ais: streamlining segmentation of cryo-electron tomography datasets
Cryo-electron tomography pipeline for plasma membranes
DeepOrientation: Deep Orientation Estimation of Macromolecules in Cryo-electron tomography
Graphene in cryo-EM specimen optimization
FakET: Simulating Cryo-Electron Tomograms with Neural Style Transfer
Vox-UDA: Voxel-wise Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Cryo-Electron Subtomogram Segmentation with Denoised Pseudo Labeling
Visualizing the translation landscape in human cells at high resolution

Best wishes,
-Alex Noble
X: @alexjamesnoble<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://x.com/alexjamesnoble__;!!Mih3wA!FXR0-Za_wfrjsfWpjO7B7xZQ3RlepDRqyoTe38Vrw1mI9lkCzj1NF3gOthvPZHDujU9qh30qQin3brd4VQ$ >
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