[3dem] MotionCor3 and AreTomo2 are open source now

Shawn Zheng szheng at czii.org
Sun Oct 29 09:05:56 PDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to announce that the source code of MotionCor3 and AreTomo2
has been made public and can be downloaded via
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/czimaginginstitute__;!!Mih3wA!AW0HEArayBvlsHDpuyqCmMr14MjjriJm4DQIn_-2bBC-Z-IiA4bN4leRNYhf08docMuFnhY__F5GI-p3$ . Your enthusiasm, inspiration,
feedback on improvements, and bug reports are indispensable throughout the
entire development history. We hope the source code can help you a bit now
and inspire new ideas and interests. As always, your input is highly
regarded and welcome. Please share your thoughts and let's work together to
improve these software packages to better serve the community.

With my best regards,
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