[3dem] RELION-5.0 beta release

Sjors Scheres - MRC LMB scheres at mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk
Thu Oct 26 09:18:26 PDT 2023

Dear EM-ers,

We are pleased to announce that RELION-5.0 is now available for public 
beta testing. RELION-5.0 comes with:

1) Blush regularisation: a machine-learning based prior that improves 3D 
refinement and classification of low SNR data sets

2) DynaMight: a variational auto-encoder for modelling continuous 
structural heterogeneity and a deformed backprojection algorithm for 
reconstruction of improved consensus maps

3) ModelAngelo: a machine-learning approach for automated atomic model 
building and identification of unknown proteins in cryo-EM maps

4) Select subsets of filaments using dendrograms make from 2D class 
averaging assignments

5) Support for AMD and Intel GPUs (CUDA and intel CPU-acceleration 
continue to work too)
-> your feedback on these new accelerators, especially when also using 
the cheaper gaming cards, are welcomed. For the moment, Topaz, Blush, 
class_ranker, DynaMight and ModelAngelo only work on NVIDIA cards.

6) A sub-tomogram averaging pipeline from raw movies until atomic modelling
-> please note that this part of RELION-5.0 is not yet finished. We are 
still writing a tutorial & documentation, and we are still running 
tests. You are welcome to already try the new code (relion --tomo), but 
until we are ready with the documentation and testing, we cannot yet 
provide feedback on this part of the code. Please be patient. If you use 
this part of the code and would like to cite us, in the mean time you 
can cite this paper:

RELION-5.0 remains proudly open-source, and is completely free for all 
users. Download the code from:https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/3dem/relion/tree/ver5.0__;!!Mih3wA!Agbwh5X0SO0WcuGG9jbVt_yQS2N6SXi2fQ7w02WTyTsstJ3Pmu9mQb0DRakebyREwL4e0hzk5B7djYBQXmlkPdCdMFk$ 

Read its new documentation at:https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://relion.readthedocs.io/en/release-5.0__;!!Mih3wA!Agbwh5X0SO0WcuGG9jbVt_yQS2N6SXi2fQ7w02WTyTsstJ3Pmu9mQb0DRakebyREwL4e0hzk5B7djYBQXmlkfYcLWiY$ 
For those of you who have installed RELION before, a lot has stayed the 
same, but please note the additional step of making a conda environment, 
prior to compiling RELION.

Best regards,
The RELION team (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://relion.readthedocs.io/en/release-5.0/Team.html__;!!Mih3wA!Agbwh5X0SO0WcuGG9jbVt_yQS2N6SXi2fQ7w02WTyTsstJ3Pmu9mQb0DRakebyREwL4e0hzk5B7djYBQXmlkVoEMhRg$ )

Sjors Scheres
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Francis Crick Avenue, Cambridge Biomedical Campus
Cambridge CB2 0QH, U.K.
tel: +44 (0)1223 267061

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