[3dem] CryoEM postdoctoral position — Mitochondrial complex I, MRC MBU, University of Cambridge

Daniel N. Grba dng26 at mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk
Thu Oct 26 07:09:33 PDT 2023

Hi all, 
We are currently advertising a cryoEM-focused postdoc position at the MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, University of Cambridge to join us in the Mitochondrial Complex I group of Professor Judy Hirst. 
Please see further info below and a link to additional details.
Best wishes, 
Daniel Grba (on behalf of Judy Hirst)

The MRC MBU is a world-renowned centre for research with three major scientific aims: I) To understand the fundamental processes taking place in mitochondria. II) To understand the involvement of these processes in human diseases. III) To exploit knowledge of these fundamental processes for the development of new therapies to treat human diseases.

The successful candidate will use cryoEM (cryo-electron microscopy) to advance understanding of mitochondrial complex I from mammalian tissues and model systems. The candidate will prepare complex I samples by standard biochemical approaches, then use single-particle cryoEM to determine and investigate their structures. They will take advantage of technical advances in both cryoEM instrumentation and computational methods for data analysis and apply them to solve and model and structures of biochemical and biomedical importance. The structures will be chosen and investigated to address fundamental questions about the mechanism of complex I, or about its assembly, regulation, or role in disease.

The successful candidate will work within the Hirst lab and will be expected to assist with supervision of students, instructing less experienced researchers, supporting external collaborations, and introducing new ideas, approaches and techniques to the group.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in Biochemistry or a related discipline with experience and expertise in structural biology.

Informal enquires about this position should be directed to Professor Judy Hirst (jh at mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk <mailto:jh at mrc-mbu.cam.ac.uk>).
Full details and application: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/43313/__;!!Mih3wA!DOKQv43TJonZ9YnwkYCdXeROH34SWgWIzLa0l4Dh_BtkMhJNFOJ8uUQ0ys7nnIuCoAKAv-3H59ash1uEz-2gDfpZ$ 
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