[3dem] Postdoctoral Position Available in the Karakas Lab at Vanderbilt University

Karakas, Erkan erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu
Wed Jul 5 11:08:45 PDT 2023

The Karakas Lab at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, located in Nashville, TN, is seeking a highly motivated individual to fill an NIH-funded postdoctoral position. Our research group is dedicated to unraveling the molecular mechanisms of ion channels using state-of-the-art structural biology approaches. The laboratory, situated within the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, offers access to cutting-edge cores specializing in crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), mass spectrometry, and a range of advanced biophysical instrumentation.

We invite you to explore our recent research publications that demonstrate our significant contributions to understanding diverse ion channels and their underlying structural basis:

               Structural basis for activation and gating of IP3 receptors (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-29073-2__;!!Mih3wA!FZgoWEcpnusnXL3eCqP_xMCjA071uA8tyL9IU0yBojWalWkspn-YPtlf9XOwdouQusPAggUFo_HrCFgwm_eHHeeNBiGLicKu$ )

               Cryo-EM structures of an LRRC8 chimera with native functional properties reveal heptameric assembly (https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://elifesciences.org/articles/82431__;!!Mih3wA!FZgoWEcpnusnXL3eCqP_xMCjA071uA8tyL9IU0yBojWalWkspn-YPtlf9XOwdouQusPAggUFo_HrCFgwm_eHHeeNBiS1anIK$ )

As a Postdoctoral Researcher in our lab, you will work closely with Dr. Karakas, utilizing cutting-edge technologies such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, and various biophysical techniques. You will have the freedom to design and conduct experiments, analyze data, and contribute to the development of novel methodologies.

Candidates should have a Ph.D. in biochemistry, biophysics, or related fields. While prior experience in X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, or electrophysiology would be advantageous, it is not required. We welcome applicants with diverse backgrounds and a strong interest in applying structural biology techniques to study ion channels.

To apply for this position, please submit the following documents via e-mail to Erkan Karakas at erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu<mailto:erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu>:

*             Cover Letter: Please provide a cover letter that outlines your research interests, goals, and how your background aligns with our research focus.

*             CV: Attach a current curriculum vitae highlighting your educational background, research experience, and publications.

*             References: Include the contact information (2-3 references) who can provide insight into your qualifications and potential as a postdoctoral researcher.

We encourage interested candidates to apply as soon as possible. The position will remain open until filled.

For any additional inquiries or further information, please do not hesitate to contact Erkan Karakas at erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu<mailto:erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu> or by phone at (615) 343-4494.



Erkan Karakas, PhD
Assistant Professor of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
2215 Garland Avenue
Light Hall 741A
Nashville, TN 37232

e-mail: erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu<mailto:erkan.karakas at vanderbilt.edu>
Phone: (615) 343-4494

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