[3dem] GMS3.5 shutdown experiences
Marcus.Fislage at vub.be
Fri Apr 8 00:49:36 PDT 2022
Dear all,
since we upgraded our Camera software from Gatan to version 3.5 (K3 camera on JEOL CryoARM300 using SerialEM 4.0.1-4) we experienced regular full shutdowns of the GMS software. I.e. no error message and the whole software package is just not running anymore. And a simple reopening of the GMS3 software works and I can continue the data collection.
I am already in contact with our Gatan engineer, but he is rather surprised about this behavior.
I would therefore like to ask the crowd if you have had or currently have a similar experience.
To the best of my knowledge, it appears that the frequency of GMS shutdown is correlated to the number of images taken. I.e. After a certain threshold of images taken with the K3 camera, the GMS software will just disappear.
I currently tested it by a daily (or every second day) restart of the GMS software and since then the error did not appear again for 2 weeks. This would initially support my theory.
Any feedback or comments would be highly appreciated.
Dr. Marcus Fislage
EM Manager
VIB-Center for Structural Biology
VUB (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Building P1T, room 0.01
Pleinlaan 2
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