[3dem] Job Opening: PhD positions in Cologne, Germany

Simon Poepsel spoepsel at uni-koeln.de
Fri May 15 13:16:44 PDT 2020

Dear young, ambitious and talented 3dem Subscribers,

our lab at the Center for Molecular Medicine in Cologne, Germany, is 
growing (poepsel-lab.cmmc-uni-koeln.de). We have openings for two PhD 
students to join our team starting this summer. We’re working on 
mechanisms regulating the deposition and removal of histone 
modifications, in particular methylation. Our research has a strong 
emphasis on cancer-associated chromatin modifying complexes, their 
composition, architecture and functional roles in disease progression 
and therapy response. We have some really exciting projects in the 
pipeline and access to a growing single-particle cryo-EM infrastructure, 
including everything you need from biochemistry, sample prep, grid 
plunging, to data processing etc. in house.

The CMMC offers great support for international resaerchers and provides 
a fantastic research environment, including the University Clinic and 
main campus of Cologne University nearby, the excellence cluster for 
ageing research, CECAD, as well as the MPI for the Biology of Ageing 
right next door. Apart from that, Cologne is a vibrant and lively city 
with a rich history and >100,000 students.

If you wish to apply, please send a CV, cover letter, statement of 
research interests and contact info of two academic referees to me 
(spoepsel at uni-koeln.de <mailto:spoepsel at uni-koeln.de>). Do not hesitate 
to contact me if you have any questions.



Simon Poepsel, PhD
Group Leader - JRG XI
Structure and Biochemistry of Epigenetic Regulators

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC)
University of Cologne

CMMC Research Center (Building 66)
Robert-Koch-Str. 21
50931 Cologne

phone +49 221 478 96987

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