[3dem] blotting quantifoil from copper side

Levy Daniel Daniel.Levy at curie.fr
Wed Jan 20 07:29:24 PST 2016

Dear all
We have some difficulties to get homogenous ice when we blot our quantifoil grids with a Leica EM GP. We have low concentrated samples and we want to blot from the side opposite to the drop (the copper side). Our conditions worked well with holey formvar Ted Pella grids but not with quantifoil. We tried different grades of paper (1 or 4)  blotting conditions and glow discharged conditions. Any advice will be helpful.


Daniel Lévy
UMR CNRS 168 Institut Curie
11 rue P.M.Curie
F-75231 Paris Cedex 05
Phone 33 1 56 24 67 82
Fax 33 1 40 51 06 36

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