[3dem] Electron cryo-tomography on polymers

Reinhard Rachel Reinhard.Rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de
Wed Dec 2 09:23:34 PST 2015

>>> 02.12.2015 at 15:54:
> Has anyone performed electron cryo‑tomography on polymers before?

I assume many people have done it already. We have done it once, just for fun:
worked out. (no time for a second try, yet). 
dose: it very much depend on the material. What material are we talking about?
what is a "polymer"? what kind of atoms, what kind of bonds? sorry, there is no
rule whatsoever. At least in Biology, we (almost) know what kind of polymers we
are dealing with.
IF the polymer is a carbon-based polymer, hydrophilic, with H, N, O, and
suspended in water / aqueous buffer: you may apply what biologist have learnt
in the past 20 or 30 years. Else: tricky. 
tilt scheme: this again is a non-trivial question, as it is not generally
accepted that the tilting scheme that 'many' people use is already the
'optimal' one ... how do you know? In some papers it is even questioned that
"1deg linear" is necessary .... 
simulated data: this may help, but only in theory ... ;-)
kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Reinhard Rachel
University of Regensburg
Centre for EM / Anatomy
Faculty of Biology & Preclin. Med.
Universitaetsstrasse 31
D-93053 Regensburg - Germany
tel +49 941 943 -2837, -1720
mail reinhard.rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de
office: VKL 3.1.29 
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