[3dem] 2 years Post doc and technician positions on INTER-ORGANELLE COMMUNICATION BY MEMBRANE CONTACT SITES in IJM

Francesca Giordano giordano.francesca at ijm.univ-paris-diderot.fr
Sat Nov 22 03:57:50 PST 2014

Dear 3dem moderators, 

Could you please diffuse for me these 2 years post doc and technician positions (see attachments)  to work on inter organelle communication by membrane contact sites available in our lab at Institut Jacques Monod? 

The two positions are funded by ANR Jeune Chercheur and Marie Curie CIG.

Thank you!!!

Francesca Giordano

Francesca Giordano, CR2 INSERM
(Cathy Jackson-Jean-Marc Verbavatz`s lab)
Institut Jacques Monod - UMR 7592 CNRS -
Université Paris Diderot-Paris7
Bat. Buffon - 1ière étage - 142B-144B
15, rue Hélène Brion
75205 PARIS Cedex 13
tel:   +33 1 57 27 80 05
fax:  +33 1 57 27 80 63
e-mail: giordano at ijm.univ-paris-diderot.fr

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