[3dem] Open faculty position at EMBL Heidelberg

Martin Beck martin.beck at embl.de
Mon Apr 23 12:07:41 PDT 2012

Dear All,

the Structural and Computational Biology Unit of EMBL Heidelberg has an 
open faculty position in Bioinformatics. We particularly want to 
encourage candidates to apply who have a strong background in 
integrative structural modeling or image processing for 3DEM.
The job add can be found here: http://embl.de/aboutus/jobs/

Could you please draw the attention of suitable candidates to this open 
position? Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Martin Beck


Martin Beck
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstr. 1
69117 Heidelberg

Tel. +49 6221 387 8267
Fax  +49 6221 387 8519
E-mail: martin.beck at embl.de

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