[3dem] Announcing EMAN2/SPARX release 2.03

Steven Ludtke sludtke at bcm.edu
Wed Jul 13 06:02:43 PDT 2011

It came to my attention at the GRC a couple of weeks ago that, while we formally released EMAN2 at the beginning
of the year, and it's been used in several published subnanometer resolution structures now, that I never
formally announced it here. I will leave Pawel to describe the features/changes in SPARX, but it IS distributed
as part of the same EMAN2/SPARX binary installation.

Anyway, I'm happy to announce the release of EMAN2/SPARX 2.03, released on July 12th, 2011. This is the 3rd
release version of EMAN2. 


Major new features in EMAN2 :

* A brand new EMAN1->EMAN2 transition guide is now available (http://blake.bcm.edu/emanwiki/EMAN2/Eman1Transition)
* A number of complete tutorials (with data) 
* A new single particle refinement process, typically 5-30x faster than EMAN1, giving the user much more control over
 the specific methods used during the reconstruction process, and producing better structures with the 
 same data (when used optimally).
* A new model for automatic CTF correction and SSNR measurement, fully integrated into the reconstruction process
* single particle tomography (fully functional but continuing development)
* Random conical tilt, orthogonal tilt, and Henderson-style tilt validation (functional, but continuing development)
* Integrated use of outside tools available: Frealign (fully functional), future support for XMIPP, others
* Support for 3 different parallel processing systems, including MPI for use on supercomputers 
 (also CUDA support for some applications)
* All user programs including graphical interface written in Python, permitting advanced users to make modifications
 without having to recompile from source

New graphical tools:
* e2workflow, an integrated workflow for:
	* single particle reconstruction
	* single particle tomography
	* reference-free 2-D particle analysis
	* launching FreAlign jobs seeded with EMAN2 results
* e2display, a file browser and viewer for:
	* 2d images & stacks
	* 3d volumes
	* 2-D & 3-D plots
	* exploring header information in almost any file format
* e2filtertool, a tool for interactively building sequences of filters, masks, etc. and adjusting parameters
* e2evalparticles, to interactively explore particle quality, and exclude particles from reconstructions
* e2tomoboxer, a 3-D particle picker for tomograms, part
* e2helixboxer, for selecting filamentous structures (IHRSR under development)
* e2RCTboxer, simultaneous picking of tilt-pairs
* e2ctf, both an interactive CTF fitting program and a powerful data quality assessment tool

As always, questions and suggestions are welcome. If something isn't working for you, please 
don't hesitate to email and ask about it.

Steven Ludtke, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Co-Director National Center For Macromolecular Imaging
Dept of Biochemistry and Mol. Biol.
Baylor College of Medicine
sludtke at bcm.edu
stevel at alumni.caltech.edu

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