[3dem] Introducing Artis Analytica: Where your data makes sense

Artis Analytica - CryoEM cryoem at artisanalytica.com
Sun May 19 07:08:38 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,
We are excited to present Artis Analytica, a dynamic team of experts across
scientific disciplines, from life to material sciences, specializing in
advanced techniques such as cryoEM, synchrotron X-ray imaging,
spectroscopy, and diffraction.
With a strong foundation in data analysis and method development in Single
Particle and Subtomogram Averaging techniques, we provide expert
consultancy by employing customized analytical strategies and pipelines to
fit your needs. Our aim is to advance in crucial areas like drug discovery,
and the comprehension of biological mechanisms.
We look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with you and explore new
frontiers in scientific discovery.
Kind regards,
Artis Analytica Team
Where data makes sense
Contact: hello at artisanalytica.com
Website: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://artisanalytica.com__;!!Mih3wA!EF4XY-nH7SBBRwbuNBV00baCWZAqsUZ6g9b8b_Oy183CWAkInKZO8Htew0k0Df8_2r1ekfRLaPbhY-GQelFlJHE$ 
Twitter: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/ArtisAnalytica__;!!Mih3wA!EF4XY-nH7SBBRwbuNBV00baCWZAqsUZ6g9b8b_Oy183CWAkInKZO8Htew0k0Df8_2r1ekfRLaPbhY-GQAJus9nE$ 

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