[3dem] Fwd: [criome_esp] Registration Open for the Instruct course on flexibility analysis and integrative modelling using Scipion. Madrid, June 17 - 21, 2024

Carlos Oscar Sorzano coss at cnb.csic.es
Mon May 13 01:18:04 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The Registration for the *“Instruct course on flexibility analysis and 
integrative modelling using Scipion. Madrid, June 17 – 21, 2024”* is now 

The aim of this course is to help researchers get introduced to the area 
of flexibility/heterogeneity analysis, one of the most advanced topics 
in SPA. We will present the theory behind some of the most used methods 
in the field (some developed by us, some by others) and conduct short 
practical sessions. These sessions will take place within the 
integrative Scipion Flexibility Hub environment to assist in the use of 
these multiple methods.

Registration will be open until *_May 24, 2024_*. You can fill your 
registration at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://forms.gle/f9Mi8DXMiHUQeWWA9__;!!Mih3wA!D_ChGJ4-U6EqNDKnQgpewf76L7VtGg3jUi1KZp_Z_lRQ7CBBcTrWWbbjZlRxXKU6VgL8UZScFrPAj3NC-g$ 

With best Regards

I2PC Team


Blanca E. Benitez

National Center for Biotechnology - CSIC

Biocomputing Unit/ I2PC

Phone: +34 91 585 4922

CSIC ext: 432178

Email: blanca at cnb.csic.es
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