[3dem] VitroJet: new features and case studies - publication

Cliff Mathisen cmathisen at nanoscience.com
Tue May 7 08:34:31 PDT 2024

Hello 3DEM Community,

The Vitrojet has continued to make meaningful progress as a scalable, reproducible, and democratized tool for cryoEM sample preparation. I wanted to share a recent publication put together by researchers at Maastrich University, Forschungszentrum Julich, University of Helsinki, Astex Pharmaceuticals, Goethe University Frankfurt, Aachen University, University of Jyväskylä, and Cryosol. This paper describes many of the new features on the Vitrojet including a highly accurate global ice thickness measurement that's done over the entire grid, measuring down to individual holes. It also describes some of the samples that have been reconstructed after preparation on the Vitrojet including membrane protein, fatty acid synthase, lipid nanoparticles, tobacco mosaic virus, and other viruses. This illustrates the usefulness of the Vitrojet across different sample types and sizes.

We want to thank all the collaborators who helped make this publication possible! Link to the publication: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38488730/__;!!Mih3wA!GkkebEJWHXYbE2IJAp4HTnWw84GXEE4DwuDqBqdRPSOJcP_Oh_EIK7iiDvtikn_oEbqN5IB4ETcbf6MlJAUKa1r1$ 

For inquiries about the Vitrojet you can reach out to Cryosol directly at https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://cryosol-world.com/contact-form/__;!!Mih3wA!GkkebEJWHXYbE2IJAp4HTnWw84GXEE4DwuDqBqdRPSOJcP_Oh_EIK7iiDvtikn_oEbqN5IB4ETcbf6MlJDjrN9Ac$ . For customers in the US and Canada you can reach out directly to Nanoscience Instruments at info at nanoscience.com<mailto:info at nanoscience.com>



Cliff Mathisen - Account Manager for TEM and Cryo Solutions
Nanoscience Instruments, Inc
Mobile: 978-376-8780
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.nanoscience.com__;!!Mih3wA!GkkebEJWHXYbE2IJAp4HTnWw84GXEE4DwuDqBqdRPSOJcP_Oh_EIK7iiDvtikn_oEbqN5IB4ETcbf6MlJLfRhB6q$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.nanoscience.com/__;!!Mih3wA!GkkebEJWHXYbE2IJAp4HTnWw84GXEE4DwuDqBqdRPSOJcP_Oh_EIK7iiDvtikn_oEbqN5IB4ETcbf6MlJCv22Ern$ >

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