[3dem] CryoFAST available

tuan at hti.ai tuan at hti.ai
Mon May 6 21:59:46 PDT 2024

Early access available now: CryoFAST <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hti.ai/cryofast/__;!!Mih3wA!EOXPAbMUUilhgV-gpaDOmpsnfhJFg-ETE0ipafAGU5ZE7SyAmJWfmMA9oeRb0ag5wjbzRvXeJPO61Q$ > T - Fast
Acquisition for Single Particle & Tomography - Health Technology
Innovations, Inc. (hti.ai)

HTI's CryoFAST is an AI based autonomous cryo-EM data acquisition software
to minimize the need for a microscopist to intervene in the data
acquisition. Some of the features of CryoFAST are:

*         Reduce microscopist time spent on each sample data acquisition 

*         Increase screening throughput 

*         Reduces wasteful data collection 

*         Generates standardized screening reports

*         Reduces user bias and fatigue

*         Requires only basic/minimal  training for a microscopist

*         Compatible with most microscopes from major vendors

*         Available for SerialEM (now) and Gatan's Latitude(tm) (later)

For more information, please contact info at hti.ai <mailto:info at hti.ai> 

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