[3dem] Postdoc at Imperial College, London

Dias da Costa, Tiago R t.costa at imperial.ac.uk
Thu Jun 27 08:44:55 PDT 2024

Dear All,
We are looking for a Post-Doctoral Research Associate with expertise in single particle CryoEM to join our lab at the Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology at Imperial College London. The project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of DNA transfer between bacteria and the structural cues in bacteriophages that govern their ability to disseminate across bacterial hosts. This structural biology project will leverage the lab's expertise in working with large bacterial complexes and will be supported by a well-equipped in-house cryo-EM facility. Our lab has routine access to Titan Krios microscopes at LonCEM and eBIC, as well as an in-house computing infrastructure for data processing.
Details about the position and a link to the application system can be found here:

Best wishes,


Dr. Tiago Costa

Centre for Bacterial Resistance Biology

Department of Life Sciences

Imperial College London

SEC Building, 5th floor, Room 5.02

London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom

Office: +44(0)20 75943 696

Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.imperial.ac.uk/people/t.costa__;!!Mih3wA!BbaDEfSfrBDGtO_XEELddiqO-9H3xsJMXs3W_rtaGYd3LxI002mywabs1l4S9GF_e-2W4YJgKN-sJjlafFci5xmn$ 

Twitter: @CostaT_Lab<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/CostaT_Lab__;!!Mih3wA!BbaDEfSfrBDGtO_XEELddiqO-9H3xsJMXs3W_rtaGYd3LxI002mywabs1l4S9GF_e-2W4YJgKN-sJjlafAhK1ZAO$ >


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