[3dem] EMDataResource LIgand Challenge Paper Published

Cathy Lawson cathy.lawson at rcsb.org
Thu Jun 27 07:53:52 PDT 2024

Dear 3DEM Colleagues,

A paper co-authored by all organizers and participants in the EMDataResource Ligand Challenge was published earlier this week in Nature Methods: Outcomes of the EMDataResource Cryo-EM Ligand Modeling Challenge. The paper describes the results of our 2021 Challenge and recommends best practices for assessing cryo-EM structures of liganded macromolecules reported at near-atomic resolution.


Read More @ EMDataResource News: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://emdataresource.org/news/ligand-challenge-publication.html__;!!Mih3wA!BHK9x843qKU5kqcLigiv_4MLkbOzTAzoKC56tkDoSE_l1XCnD3ZLFYl3fhLU8MN1hQIWYNewIZfvUYqq7EJLWWCV$ 


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