[3dem] Post-Doctoral positions open at the new EvoChromo laboratory, Vienna

Nie Xin mr.niexin at gmail.com
Sun Jun 23 21:57:13 PDT 2024

Post on behalf of Fred:

Dear colleagues,

The Berger, Schleper and Schur Labs are joining forces to understand the
origins of eukaryotic chromatin. The interdisciplinary project is funded by
the Austrian science fund (FWF). Details of the project framework can be
found at:

We are seeking candidates for a post-doctoral position with specific
expertise in synthetic biology or yeast genetics, chromatin or in vitro
chromatin biochemistry and ideally with skills in molecular biology and
bioinformatics. Funding follows the national scale (
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fwf.ac.at/en/funding/steps-to-your-fwf-project/furtherinformation/personnel-costs__;!!Mih3wA!Cx8oKTg_X3tGnGkGg_FTM8I5Iu1swdCCvQ7CvSRDz_2XXUZRg0Wgo2F8ZGGRudWmIdQF1gSo4w2goQBSTvbg$ )
and is available for three years.

The candidate will develop a project on evolution in Archaea of protein
complexes involved in chromatin activity that prefigure eukaryotic
chromatin. Although your primary employer will be GMI or ISTA, you will
interact and work regularly with the other research groups and become part
of this newly forming laboratory without walls.

*Frederic Berger*, frederic.berger at gmi.oeaw.ac.at, +43 1790449810
Informations about working at GMI:
*Christa Schleper*,(archaea.univie.ac.at) christa.schleper at univie.ac.at
*Florian Schur *(schurlab.ista.ac.at), florian.schur at ist.ac.at
Best regards,

Nie Xin
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