[3dem] Cloud Workshop: New Biotech Panel Discussion Added!

Mazdak Radjainia mazdak at cryoduck.com
Thu Jul 25 14:43:46 PDT 2024

Dear 3DEMers,

We are excited to invite you to an upcoming symposium
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.weka.io/lp/weka-aws-clovertex-bos21-hcls/__;!!Mih3wA!DHALVuAvcIK7Dz80x9A8huhRhtYIlhm0k3FyREo4NbgNgvFG82prX2xRXf9NzSlWF37LEWPgATGb3GjADbI$ > dedicated to
cryo-EM computing in the cloud on August 1st. This event, brought to you by
Amazon Web Services, WEKA, and Clovertex, will feature:

*Event Highlights:*

   - *Expert Talks:* Gain insights from leaders in AWS compute and storage.
   - *Biotech Panel Discussion:* Engage with biotech representatives during
   our newly added panel discussion.
   - *Hands-On Workshops:* Participate in two focused sessions:

   1. Automated Deployment of Cryo-EM Clusters in the Cloud: Learn how to
   build AWS Parallel Cluster for Cryo-EM applications like Relion and
   2. Cryosparc Processing Workshop: Get hands-on experience with Cryosparc

*Event Details:*

   - *Date:* Thursday, August 1, 2024
   - *Time:* 8:30am – 2:30pm EST
   - *Location:* BOS17 – Amazon, 27 Melcher St, Boston, MA 02210

*Please register here:*

We look forward to seeing you there!

Best wishes,

*Mazdak* | cryoDuck B.V.
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