[3dem] 7th Austrian cryoEM symposium November 12th/13th 2024

Haselbach,David david.haselbach at imp.ac.at
Thu Jul 25 07:48:34 PDT 2024

Dear all,

We would like to announce our next annual Austrian Cryo-EM (ACE) Symposium, jointly organized by the Vienna Biocenter (VBC) and the Institute of Science and technology Austria (ISTA). The event will be held in person at the IMP in Vienna, November 11-12, 2024.

We are looking forward to welcoming a great lineup of speakers:

Jack Bravo, ISTA, AT
Tanmay Bharat, LMB-MRC, UK
Alex de Marco, NYCSB, US
Oliver Einsle, University of Freiburg, DE
Hauke Hillen, UMG, DE
Bronwyn Lucas, UC Berkeley, US
Bonnie Murphy, MPI Frankfurt, DE
Irma Querques, Max Perutz Labs, AT
Kai Zhang, Yale University, US

Please register at: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.imp.ac.at/research/cryo-em-symposium/__;!!Mih3wA!D3yWwDDUVK-rjnJ9cDbLG8_ABvfV_RI8rZcsVo3gxXGW2ABkMQKU9-dceMwBBldP5QTVa4wdkLa36OkTOqFTnD3JJPMvtPs$ 
There will be a registration fee of 100 Euro (academic students and postdocs), 200 Euro (academic group leaders) or 300 Euro (industry).

We will host a poster session and encourage everyone interested to participate. We will select additional speakers from the submitted poster abstracts.

We hope many of you can join us!

Best wishes on behalf of the organizing team,
Carrie Bernecky (ISTA)
David Haselbach (IMP)
Thomas Heuser (VBCF)
Clemens Plaschka (IMP)
Florian Schur (ISTA)

Special thanks to our sponsor: Thermo Fisher
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