[3dem] Single Particle Cryo-EM Course for the Beginners

Oksana Degtjarik O.Degtjarik at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jul 16 08:27:19 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Two weeks remained to apply to our Single Particle Cryo-EM Course for the Beginners which will be held in person at The Astbury Biostructure Laboratory, University of Leeds.

Course Dates: 23rd-27th September 2024
Registration Deadline: 31st July 2024

This course, part of the cryo-EM Wellcome/MRC training program, is designed for students and postdocs interested in using single particle cryo-EM for their research. It provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience in cryo-EM single particle analysis.

For detailed information on the course structure, topics covered, and registration, please visit our web page.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://astbury.leeds.ac.uk/facilities/wellcome-mrc-training-in-cryoem/single-particle-cryo-em-course-for-beginners/__;!!Mih3wA!BeE-QMUlBKIy-OZeNfhKKP_r8_T-NF53lBJfG8PpbqpEhgyJ08Jf-7l_9Y_3ghFKAdKvgnQtKjJauRtPx0QuVpa7LZ0$ >

For any inquiries, contact us at EMcourses at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:EMcourses at leeds.ac.uk>.

Looking forward to seeing you in Leeds!

Best wishes,


(on behalf of the organisers)

Oksana Degtjarik (she/her)
Cryo-EM scientist
Astbury Biostructure Laboratory
Cryo-EM Facility
Roger Stevens 6.80
University of Leeds
LS2 9JT Leeds

E: o.degtjarik at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:odegtjarik at leeds.ac.uk>
T: @ODegtjarik

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