[3dem] Cyro-EM Virtual Art Competition and Exhibition - prizes available

CCEMMP ITTC Centre ccemmp at monash.edu
Sun Jul 14 22:29:07 PDT 2024

[image: ARC CCeMMP Bench to Art Exhibition 2024.png]

Dear all,

The Australian Research Council Centre for Cryo-electron Microcopy of
Membrane Proteins (CCeMMP; ccemmp.org) is excited to invite the scientific
community to participate in our National Science Week 2024 Event, the
inaugural *ARC CCeMMP Bench to Art Exhibition*!

Our goal is to share stories of exploration and discovery in structural
biology with the broader community. We encourage the scientific  community
(not just Centre members) to put forth their creations to be displayed in a
virtual exhibition during National Science Week 2024.


Cash prizes will be awarded in the following categories:

*First Prize Award - $300 AUD*

*First Prize will be awarded by a judging panel composed of creatives in
the scientific field and artists. Images will be evaluated based on their
aesthetic appeal, not on the data they depict.*

*People’s Choice Award - $100 AUD*

*People’s Choice will be awarded based on the voters’ choice. The community
are encouraged to vote for their favourite artwork during the exhibition.*

*Who can enter?*

This is a free event during National Science Week to promote structural
biology research. We welcome submissions from anyone:

   - using the technique cryo-EM in their research, or;
   - working on membrane proteins using other structural biology techniques
   (tomography, crystallography etc).


Creations will be exhibited virtually for two weeks during 13th to 27th
August, 2024. The link to the virtual gallery will open at 9:00 AM AEST on
13th of August, 2024.

*Guidelines and submission*

All artwork must adhere to the guidelines and be submitted via the online
submission form. Details are provided on the CCeMMP website
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://ccemmp.org/events/arc-ccemmp-bench-to-art-exhibition-2024/__;!!Mih3wA!EnfnVtxKfd7BkzzchYf8j-6Hmz01GdqR4EivrblEvk-998FpYkq5jwbViT92FZ0nMD_xbn6GvnN1720GhNye$ >.

*Closing date for submissions is 5:00 PM AEST on 8th of August 2024.*

Prize winners will be announced in September 2024.

Please circulate this event far and wide to encourage as many people to
have a shot at the prizes! We are excited to see all sorts of 2D still
artwork, ranging from digital, to cartoons to paintings - anything goes!

If you have any questions regarding the event, please direct all queries to
Dr. Jackie How (ccemmp at monash.edu).

Kind regards,

CCeMMP Outreach and Public Engagement Committee

[image: CeMMP_Logo_Name_Horizontal_CMYK_large font.png]

*ARC Industry Transformation Training Centre for Cryo-electron Microscopy
of Membrane Proteins (CCeMMP)*

Monash University
Parkville Campus
399 Royal Parade
Parkville VIC 3052

E: ccemmp at monash.edu <name.surname at monash.edu>

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