[3dem] job opening for an Electron Microscopy Specialist at our Max Planck Institute Dresden/Germany

Tobias Furstenhaupt furstenh at mpi-cbg.de
Fri Jul 5 02:28:38 PDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

we in our Max Planck Institute have an exciting position open for an Electron Microscopy Specialist who should lead and supervise the various EM projects within our institute, work closely together with our TAs, interpret the data and preparation quality, developing new methods and also partially be responsible for teaching and training.

please fine the ad here (Deadline: 16 August 2024):


we are all very much looking forward to your application :)

Tobias Fürstenhaupt, PhD 
head of Electron Microscopy 
Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) 
Pfotenhauerstrasse 108 
01307 Dresden, Germany 

mail: furstenh at mpi-cbg.de 
phone: (+49) (0)351 210-2690 
cell: (+49) (0)176 / 44498706 (NEW!)

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