[3dem] Cryo-EM staff scientist position, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Yael kalisman yael.kalisman at mail.huji.ac.il
Thu Jul 4 01:05:34 PDT 2024

Dear all,
We are looking for a colleague to join us as a cryo-EM specialist, at the
unit for Nanoscopic Characterization (UNC) of the Hebrew University of

The candidate should specialize in cryo-EM applications including SPA and
cryo-ET. Please find details attached.



Yael Levi-Kalisman, PhD.

The Center for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology,

and the Institute for Life Sciences,

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Tel: 972-2-6584865 (office) or 972-2-6586020 (Nanocenter)
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