[3dem] Cryo Storage
Michael Godfrin
mgodfrin at nanosoftmaterials.com
Thu Jan 21 10:00:41 PST 2021
Hi John,
We have always found that the main time grids are susceptible to ice
contamination is during the vitrification workflow itself, and not during
storage. Generally, after grids are vitrified, placed in a grid box and
then the grid box closed with a cover, they are well protected from
As grids are plunged and then transferred to the grid box, they are then
sitting in the larger LN2 reservoir of the Vitrobot styrofoam dewar. The
styrofoam ring (used to collect a pillow of cold, dry gas for the grid
transfer from liquid ethane to LN2) often collects large amounts of
condensed ice, as it is cooled from sitting atop the liquid nitrogen. Every
time a new grid is plunged, and the dewar moves up flush against the bottom
of the Vitrobot box, that ring is submerged fully in the liquid nitrogen
and that condensed crystalline ice gets released into the liquid nitrogen -
where the prepared grids are sitting.
We have always found this to be the major source of ice contamination
- our Igloo
<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.nanosoftmaterials.com/igloo__;!!Mih3wA!V4lxQVhveXp1ip09iOgY_vJyLS49uDpkNyH3HFgpjN1KLstDtDZmso-2Lc8RPMHpYQ$ >product helps protect against this
type of contamination.
*Michael Godfrin, PhD*
1372 Main St.
Coventry, RI 02816
Cell: (401) 829-5527
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