[3dem] Recommendation of CTF estimation program

Carlos Oscar S. Sorzano coss at cnb.csic.es
Thu Feb 14 14:07:43 PST 2019

Dear Guobin,

stated like this, it is to difficult to give an "absolute" 
recommendation. A first question would be if you see the Thon rings by 
eye? If not, I would say that most programs will not be able to find the 
defocus. If you can see them, then it is a matter of trying. All I can 
offer in this regard is to try Xmipp on this, if you make one or two of 
these micrographs available, you may send me a personal message with the 
link and we will check them.

Kind regards, Carlos Oscar

El 14/02/2019 a las 21:40, Guobin Hu escribió:
> Dear Cryo-EM folks,
> I am dealing with some micrographs of very low defocus values e.g. a 
> few tens of nanometers. I found it sometimes is difficult for the 
> programs I am using to find the right defocus value even I set the 
> corresponding defocus search range. I see a lot of CTF estimation 
> programs on the wikipage. I do not want to download all of them and 
> try one by one. I would greatly appreciate it if somebody can 
> recommend one that works well with lowly defocused micrographs. The 
> best is the program can also display the Thon rings of CTF of very 
> small defocus values.
> Best,
> Guobin Hu
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Carlos Oscar Sánchez Sorzano                  e-mail:   coss at cnb.csic.es
Biocomputing unit                             http://i2pc.es/coss
National Center of Biotechnology (CSIC)
c/Darwin, 3
Campus Universidad Autónoma (Cantoblanco)     Tlf: 34-91-585 4510
28049 MADRID (SPAIN)                          Fax: 34-91-585 4506

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