[3dem] carbon detaching from grids

Amar Dhananjai Parvate aparvate at purdue.edu
Thu Dec 6 12:28:51 PST 2018

Hey Cheri

Did you see the same thing happen to a different brand of carbon grids? Like a Cflat or Ted pellas?

Sometimes QF grids have a bad box of grids thats all. And the plasma cleaner may actually be fine. Unfortunately if thats the case you will just have to discard the entire box and move on to the next one. If you have the time to spare, you can reach out to QF with some documentation and proof that you got a faulty box of grids and they usually send a replacement.

Just sharing my two cents

Hope this helps


Amar Parvate

Ollmann-Saphire lab


From: 3dem <3dem-bounces at ncmir.ucsd.edu> on behalf of HAMPTON, CHERI M CTR USAF AFMC AFRL/RXAS <cheri.hampton.ctr at us.af.mil>
Sent: Thursday, December 6, 2018 2:47 PM
To: 3dem at ncmir.ucsd.edu
Subject: [3dem] carbon detaching from grids

Hi all,

I have suddenly begun experiencing the carbon detaching from my QF R2/1 grids when submersed in buffer and when applying proteins for blotting and cryo-plunging. I have tried two different lots of grids, and now I am suspicious of the facility's plasma cleaner that I have been using to glow discharge. All settings and timings have remained constant on my part. I plan to seek out another plasma cleaner to do a comparison test, but meanwhile, what kinds of solvents or materials placed in the plasma cleaner/glow discharge unit might linger and cause problems? I'd like to justify having a "clean" one just for TEM :)

Thanks for your input,


Cheri M. Hampton, PhD
Research Microscopist
UES, Inc.
2179 12th St, B652/R122
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-7750
(937) 255-9081
cheri.hampton.ctr at us.af.mil

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