[3dem] Immediate post-doc position in Immunology

Gros, P. (Piet) P.Gros at uu.nl
Sat Feb 7 01:14:03 PST 2015

Post-doc position in cryo-EM single reconstruction at Utrecht University

An immediate (3-year) post-doc position is available in the group of Piet Gros (Protein Crystallography, Bijvoet Center, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University) to work on membrane protein complexes of the immune system.

The lab has a long-standing record in structural biology of large human plasma-proteins, cell-surface receptors and protein complexes, in particular in the area of immunology and hematology.  We have extensive experience with and infrastructure for mammalian (soluble and membrane) protein expression, purification, characterization with biophysical methods and structure determination using X-ray crystallography. The university has recently purchased an FEI Talos Arctica cryo-EM microscope and we have access to an FEI Titan Krios at NeCEN at Leiden University.

The post-doc position is available for 3 years and is part of the NWO funded Gravitation project to establish the Institute of Chemical Immunology.

Further information:

The Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular research includes strong research groups in structural biology, including X-ray crystallography, NMR and mass spectrometry, next to groups focusing on glycobiology, membrane biology and protein folding.  At the Utrecht Science Park the Uithof, a strong network of Life Science researchers from Utrecht University, the University Medical Center Utrecht and the Hubrecht Institute interact throughout the disciplines of Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physics, Veterinary Sciences and Medicine.

Applicants should have a PhD in Chemistry, Physics, Biology or related field.  A strong background in cryo-EM single-particle reconstruction is strongly preferred. Request for further information and applications containing a cover letter, CV and email addresses of two references should be send to Piet Gros (p.gros at uu.nl)

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