[3dem] Post-doc opening at Leeds University, UK

John Trinick j.trinick at leeds.ac.uk
Thu Mar 13 07:50:41 PDT 2014

A post-doc position involving muscle sarcomere structure and function is 
available immediately in the Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular 
Biology at Leeds University, UK. The post is funded for 3 years and will 
study cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C (cMyBP-C, also known as 
C-protein) and its interaction with titin. Mutations in cMyBP-C are a 
major cause of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), which affects ~1 in 
500 people. Mutations in titin are the commonest cause of dilated 
cardiomyopathy (DCM) affecting ~1 in 250. The aim is to study the 
cMYBP-C/titin native interaction and how it is affected by HCM and 
DCMmutation. A variety of biophysical methods can be used including EM. 
Starting salary is £37,700 ($63k).

EM facilities in Leeds include two Tecnai cryo-microscopes: a 200kV F20 
with energy filter and a 120kV T12, plus Jeol 1400 and 1200 TEMs 

The Faculty of Biological Sciences at Leeds is a diverse research 
environment with 160 academic staff. The Astbury Centre is a 
multi-disciplinary grouping including physical and life sciences and 
with access to most biophysical methods.Leeds is vibrant city of 
800,000. Leeds University has 30,000 undergraduates.The nearby Yorkshire 
dales countrysideis outstanding.

Recent publications are athttp://www.fbs.leeds.ac.uk/staff/profile.php?un=chbjat

See also

Please send a CV and names of referees to
j.trinick at leeds.ac.uk  <mailto:j.trinick at leeds.ac.uk>

John Trinick
School of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Leeds University LS2 9JT, UK

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