[3dem] Gatan cryo-controller

Henning Stahlberg HStahlberg at ucdavis.edu
Thu Mar 5 06:52:08 PST 2009

Dear Takashi,

I believe the Gatan 626 holders have two heaters: One is in the tip  
region, and is used for heating the sample. This one appears to have  
failed in your case. The other one is at the zeolite underneath the  
LN2 dewar, and is used to warmup the dewar. This one still seems to  
work in your case.
If you attempt to regulate the tip temperature by warming up the LN2  
dewar, you might have massive LN2 boiling.

Did you look into the cable that connects the controller with the  
holder? One of the wires in the plugs of this cable might be loose.


On Mar 5, 2009, at 2:54 AM, Ishikawa Takashi wrote:

> Dear all,
> We have a problem on our Gatan cryo-controller (model 900). A few  
> weeks ago, suddenly the “smart heater control” function stopped.  
> Seemingly it cannot heat any more. Manual setting of the temperature  
> does not work either. The heater current on the display seems  
> increasing up and up until the current of “warming up cycle”, but  
> the temperature never goes up. Strangely only “warming up cycle”  
> functions still. This means it is not dysfunction of the heater. Now  
> we use “warming up cycle” for “smart heater control” purpose and  
> manually terminate it when it goes close to -160deg. We exchanged  
> the SIM card, but it did not help. Does anybody have a similar  
> experience?
> Best regards,
> Takashi
> Takashi Ishikawa
> Research Scientist / Group Leader
> Department of Biology
> Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich)
> ETH Hönggerberg, HPK F7
> CH-8093 Zürich, Switzerland
> phone: +41 44-633-2462
> Fax:  : +41 44-633-1073
> e-mail: takashi.ishikawa at mol.biol.ethz.ch
> Web:  http://www.mol.biol.ethz.ch/groups/ishikawa_group
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