[3dem] Single Particle Cryo-EM Course in Leeds

Oksana Degtjarik degtjarik648 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 18 03:02:12 PDT 2023

Dear all,

We are thrilled to introduce our upcoming in-person "Beginners Single Particle Cryo-EM Course", organized by the Astbury Biostructure Laboratory (University of Leeds) in partnership with eBIC (Diamond light source), Scottish Centre for Macromolecular Imaging (University of Glasgow), Midlands Regional Cryo-EM Facility (University of Leicester), and Birkbeck college (University of London).

The course will take place at the Astbury Biostructure Laboratory in Leeds from November 6th to 10th 2023. The closing date of registration is September 30th 2023.

This course is a part of our cryo-EM Wellcome/MRC training program tailored for PhD students and postdocs who wish to use single particle cryo-EM for their research but have very little or no prior experience in single particle cryo-EM.

The aim of the course is to give a theoretical knowledge and practical experience in the entire cryo-EM single particle analysis workflow including negative stain TEM, cryo-EM sample preparation, cryo-EM screening and data collection using our Titan Krios microscopes, and an introductory overview of the data processing.

The course is limited to 12 participants and is covering up to 2,000 £ for travel and accommodation. accommodation and travel.

Follow the link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://astbury.leeds.ac.uk/facilities/wellcome-mrc-training-in-cryoem/single-particle-cryoem-be-an-independent-single-particle-data-collector/__;!!Mih3wA!Hjlfc1_xoQn_sdG8KACN2f31t0AryGHqu7HEkR3H2XV6Vzi2UqIrIekk4pC1yttmZa8jWObz3R-Bx08w0eDlsv8I$ > for more details and to apply.

Looking forward to seeing you in Leeds!

Best wishes,
Oksana Degtjarik (on behalf of organisers)


Oksana Degtjarik (she/her)
Cryo-EM scientist
Astbury Biostructure Laboratory
Cryo-EM Facility
Roger Stevens 6.80
University of Leeds
LS2 9JT Leeds

E: o.degtjarik at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:odegtjarik at leeds.ac.uk>
T: @ODegtjarik

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