[3dem] Carbon evaporator for SPA

Jasnin, Marion jasnin at biochem.mpg.de
Thu Sep 14 02:44:09 PDT 2023

Dear all,

we are in the process of buying a carbon evaporator for producing additional 5-15nm support films in SPA. Our experience in making carbon films is based on older machines that are no longer available. So far, we got two quotes more on the high-end side of the instrument spectrum but considering the good quality films we were able to produce with the old machines we are wondering if such an investment is necessary for SPA:

Leica EM ACE600 Carbon Thread Coater
* Carbon thread evaporation
* Oil free UHV pump system with turbomolecular pump
* Quartz crystal thickness measurement
* Sample stage rotation

Quorum Q150V E Plus
* Carbon rod evaporation
* Oil free UHV pump system with turbomolecular pump
* Quartz crystal thickness measurement
* Sample stage rotation

Much cheaper options like the Leica EM ACE200 exist. We would appreciate some advice on how important expensive features like ultra high vacuum or sample stage rotation really are for SPA.  Hints which instrument you are successfully using for this application would also be very helpful.

Thank you,


Marion Jasnin
Principal Investigator
Helmholtz Pioneer Campus
Helmholtz Munich
Ingolstädter Landstraße 1
85764 Neuherberg near Munich
Phone: +49 (0)89 3187 43896
marion.jasnin at helmholtz-munich.de
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