[3dem] Cryo-EM Insights into TnpB

Sharma, Ekansh ekansh.sharma at thermofisher.com
Fri Nov 10 08:08:48 PST 2023

Dear group members,

I want to share an opportunity to attend a virtual lecture by Dr. Giedrius Sasnauskas of Vilnius University, where he will share how he and his team used cryo-electron microscopy to characterize a TnpB genome editor and how they were able to elucidate the structure of the Deinococcus radiodurans TnpB-reRNA complex, their research was published in Nature earlier this year.

Title: Cryo-EM Insights into TnpB, the Tiny Yet Powerful Genome Editor

Date and time: November 15, 2023, | 8 a.m. PST | 11 a.m. EST | 5 p.m. CET

The webinar is hosted by Thermo Fisher Scientific, and the registration is free. You can register here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.thermofisher.com/se/en/home/about-us/events/industrial/electron-microscopy-insights.html?cid=msd_ls_acd_xmkt_cryosp_1334392_gl_0em_elq_f2yaiw&en=msd_ls_tm_em_wbn_2310_c06484_p1334392_tnpb-insights-inv1&utm_source=eloqua&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=ls_xmarket_gl_glacios-2-npi_2023&cta=button_3&EmailName=MSD_LS_TM_EM_WBN_2310_C06484_P1334392_TnpB-Insights-Inv1__;!!Mih3wA!GnTOYqDP18GYToir5ufMi6afIpNVJ3F7AHKx00FBB2W2qu9IBBPGIKpUFpeAurUvZLOeFniMq05Y_lGJxnYr175cGGqwKBo$ >

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