[3dem] First Grenoble Practical Workshop on Helical Symmetry determination and reconstruction

Leandro F. Estrozi leandro.estrozi at ibs.fr
Fri May 26 08:26:54 PDT 2023

Dear EM (helical assemblies interested) community,

We are really happy to announce the first Grenoble Practical Workshop 
dedicated to helical symmetry determination of biological polymers 
imaged by cryo-EM, *17th to 21st of July 2023, online*.

Determining the helical parameters from a sample with helical 
symmetry(ies) is often the bottleneck for successful structure 
determination. The learning curve to get familiar with this process is 
steep and full of crevices.

In this workshop, we will guide the participants who already have 
helical assemblies data in their hands (see below) through this process, 
exploiting all possible information, including power spectra 
interpretation, 2D class-averages analysis and clue hunting from raw 
data inspection.

The practicals will cover the use of helixplorer 
(https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://rico.ibs.fr/helixplorer/__;!!Mih3wA!FuXAIKSush5n5zbFX1AKGJLHIyqhXwFf8VHpoYSSWGs8Pp3GEfVBZBiBYLlnaFEBrKTzfbA8VwHrMubwy_iaUharVpj2$ ), but will not be limited to this 

Although the main focus will be on helical parameters determination, we 
will also discuss general reconstruction strategies, including dealing 
with flexible helices, multiple symmetries, and merging of data from 
different symmetry filaments using subtraction approaches.

In order to apply to the workshop, applicants :

-can be at any career level (PhD, postdocs, senior scientists, ...)

-must have an ongoing project involving a helical sample, and have 
difficulties in solving its structure

-agree to work on their own data during the workshop. Participants are 
expected to share some raw images, 2D-class averages, and sum of PS with 
the organizers (and screen sharing with other participants). However, 
the name of their protein/organism and the exact nature and function of 
their protein/filaments will remain confidential.

Please send your application, including a short letter describing your 
project and difficulties, screenshots of raw data and 2D class-averages, to

ambroise.desfosses at ibs.fr

leandro.estrozi at ibs.fr

*Before the 15th of June. *

Looking forward,

Ambroise & Leandro
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