[3dem] Announcing the release of EMAN2.99

Ludtke, Steven J. sludtke at bcm.edu
Mon Mar 13 05:51:09 PDT 2023

We are pleased to announce the release of EMAN2.99.47. As you can see, we are getting closer to EMAN3, but aren't there yet. This version includes some significant improvements in all of its major aspects, and we strongly encourage anyone using 2.91 or a snapshot to upgrade to this release version.


Major changes include:

  *   New available installation strategy for those who use Anaconda for other things, easy installation and updates
  *   Fully functional GUI for Deep Learning GMM dynamics/variability analysis (PMC8363932).
     *   GUI permits interactive exploration of manifold via Gaussians, and generation of arbitrary subclasses/3D maps.
     *   New, less memory intensive network design can work with thousands of Gaussians and hundreds of thousands of particles.
     *   Initial support for analysis of subtomogram variability (with some caveats).
     *   Ok, it IS complicated. There is a mini-tutorial: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://youtu.be/1OM-XIzkSWw__;!!Mih3wA!FONyBq7H1p7n-gy1ASqj_77DkRs2_ug4PA7TPHgLcguOCRDgbl-YacCgFGjXs_Q_4ijyEBVpjJ_R_WVmWng$ 
  *   New subtomogram averaging refinement program.
     *   incorporates both 3-D, subtilt and defocus refinement.
     *   Faster and better than the previous program.
  *   New single particle refinement program with modest resolution improvement over historical approach. Produces per-particle orientations easier to compare with other software.
  *   HDF5 compression with bit reduction
     *   automatic for most workflows
     *   support for bit reduction in non-HDF formats supporting external compression.
     *   Significant file size reduction without information loss (PMID: 35724904).
     *   Fixed minor problems with GUI on Macs, and native support for M1, M2, etc. Macs.
  *   Updated support for new EER variants, and other file I/O improvements.

Steven Ludtke, Ph.D. <sludtke at bcm.edu>                      Baylor College of Medicine
Charles C. Bell Jr., Professor of Structural Biology        Dept. of Biochemistry
Deputy Director, Advanced Technical Cores                   and Molecular Biology
Academic Director, CryoEM Core
Co-Director CIBR Center

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