[3dem] [EXT] microscope installation

Johanna Höög johanna.hoog at gu.se
Fri Jun 30 00:06:20 PDT 2023

Same here! We had an air cooled chiller that we had to replace with a water cooled one because it could not chill enough (in Sweden). For us, the room where the chiller was placed was too small and the air-con system could not remove the heat fast enough so the whole room heated up. We then had to replace many water cooled chillers because our cooling water was not clean enough and clogged up the system, but that is another story..

Best wishes,


On 29 Jun 2023, at 17:05, Reinhard Rachel <Reinhard.Rachel at biologie.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

Water-cooled chiller.
I would never choose / use an air-cooled chiller, again. (Ok, I am out anyway, due to retirement…).
We even had been going through the phase of changing an air-cooled version into a water-cooled system - upgrading it. We had hot summer days , no, even weeks (in cold Germany), where the capacity of the air-cooled system was insufficient. Resulting in the shut-down of chiller plus TEM (120 kV!), for two weeks.
Kind regards

Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 29.06.2023 um 16:43 schrieb Morgan, David Gene <dagmorga at indiana.edu>:


We are installing a new high-end instrument here and the issue of whether to use an air- or water-cooled chiller has arisen.  I've always been in favor of water-cooled chillers and at least some of the places where I have worked did not have the capacity to remove the excess heat that an air-cooled chiller would generate.  For this install, we appear to have a choice.

Is there a general consensus about which is better?

    politics is more difficult than physics.
                                             A. Einstein

            David Gene Morgan
        Electron Microscopy Center
             047E Simon Hall
             IU Bloomington
          812 856 1457 (office)
          812 856 3221 (3200)
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